In a recent post in the Chronicle of Higher Education, James Lang offers an encouraging message about the ways in which faculty members can create a course environment that values attention and counters the many distractions of this traumatic year. He describes three core principles – community, structure, and renewal, that can be implemented in any course whether it is in-person, online or hybrid. The brief post is worth a read as you continue to think about the beginning of the new semester…Distracted Minds: Your Classroom Can Be a Retreat in Dark Times
If you’d like to learn more about these principles and specific strategies that support them, you might be interested in joining colleagues in the CLTR’s spring ‘21 reading group that is diving into Lang’s new book, Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It. To participate in the reading group and receive a copy of the book, please fill out the interest form linked here.